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 Oggetto del messaggio: Thailand Mini-Z World Championship 23-25 Novembre 2012
MessaggioInviato: 04/09/2012, 11:19 
Non connesso
Pilota di Razzi
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Iscritto il: 14/12/2009, 13:53
Messaggi: 3489
Località: Milano
Città: Milano
Interessante gara in Thailandia...

Per informazioni:

Rules and Regulations:

Mini-Z 2WD Stock Class

(v.0.9 update at 15 July 2012)

Min. Weight: (With batteries) 175g
Max Wheel Base: 98mm
Max Car Length: 178mm
Max Car Width: 80mm
Max Car Height: 45mm

Kyosho 27Mhz / 2.4Ghz ASF/ Ad band Mini-Z circuit board only.
*** (FET modification is allowed. No aftermarket electronic or ESC such as NOVAK or TEKIN. )

Motor: Atomic US Spec. Motor (MO-017-US)
Car Body: Kyosho Mini-Z Auto Scale Bodies.
Chassis: Kyosho MR-015, MR-02 and MR-03 chassis allowed
Option Parts: Open, GYRO allowed.
Rims: Rims must fit within the width of the car body
Tires: Any rubber tire allowed. Foam tire and traction compound is not allow usage..
Batteries: AAA size batteries 4 cell, alkaline, NiMH or NiCd only. Lithium or Lipo battery not allowed.
Frequency: 2.4G ASF, AM27 MHz.
Transmitter: Open

Update: Three qualifiers and two Main. Each qualify race is 5 minutes long. Final is 10 minutes long. A Main have triple A Main format, other Main have 2 Final best 1 format.

Mini-Z AWD Stock Class

Min. Weight: (With batteries) 190g
Max Wheel Base: 98mm
Max Car Length: 178mm
Max Car Width: 80mm
Max Car Height: 45mm

Kyosho 27Mhz / 2.4Ghz ASF/ Ad band Mini-Z circuit board only.
*** (FET modification is allowed. No aftermarket electronic or ESC such as NOVAK or TEKIN. )

Motor: Atomic Standard.BB Motor (AR-076-BB)
Car Body: Kyosho Mini-Z Auto Scale Bodies.
Chassis: Kyosho MA-010, MA-015 is allowed
Option Parts: Open, GYRO allowed.
Rims: Rims must fit within the width of the car body
Tires: Any rubber tire allowed. Foam tire and traction compound is not allow usage..
Batteries: AAA size batteries 4 cell, alkaline, NiMH or NiCd only. Lithium or Lipo battery not allowed.
Frequency: 2.4G ASF, AM27 MHz.
Transmitter: Open

Update: Three qualifiers and two Main. Each qualify race is 5 minutes long. Final is 10 minutes long. A Main have Triple A Main Format, other Main have 2 Final best 1 format.

Mini-Z Open Class

Min. Weight: 175g
Max Wheel Base: 102mm
Max Car Length: 190mm
Max Car Width: 80mm
Max Car Height: 45mm

Kyosho 27Mhz / 2.4Ghz ASF/ Ad band Mini-Z circuit board only.
*** (FET modification is allowed. No aftermarket electronic or ESC such as NOVAK or TEKIN. )
Motor: Any 130 spec. motor allowed.
Car Body: Kyosho Mini-Z Auto Scale Bodies.
Chassis: Kyosho MR-015, MR-02 and MR-03, MA-010, MA-015 chassis allowed
Option Parts: Open, Gyro not allowed.
Rims: Rims must fit within the width of the car body
Tires: Any rubber tire allowed. Foam tire and traction compound is not allow usage..
Batteries: AAA size batteries 4 cell, alkaline, NiMH or NiCd only. Lithium or Lipo battery not allowed.
Frequency: 2.4G ASF, AM27 MHz.
Transmitter: Open

Three qualifiers and two Main run. Each qualify race is 5 minutes long. Final is 10 minutes long. A Main have Triple Main Format, other Main have 2 Final best 1 format.


 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Thailand Mini-Z World Championship 23-25 November 2012
MessaggioInviato: 12/09/2012, 1:54 
Non connesso
Pilota di Razzi
Avatar utente

Iscritto il: 18/12/2009, 21:38
Messaggi: 1561
Località: Italia
Città: Bollate (MI)
A saperlo prima.... si poteva unire l'utile al........ :mrgreen:


 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Thailand Mini-Z World Championship 23-25 November 2012
MessaggioInviato: 13/09/2012, 10:30 
Non connesso
Pilota di Razzi
Avatar utente

Iscritto il: 14/12/2009, 13:53
Messaggi: 3489
Località: Milano
Città: Milano
Bella Hiro!


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