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 Oggetto del messaggio: Marina Living project
MessaggioInviato: 21/07/2023, 13:57 
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Iscritto il: 07/12/2022, 11:44
Messaggi: 4
Città: Bratislava
In 2025, the Continental Investment construction company will present its brand-new Marina Living project https://dubai-property.investments/prop ... na-living/ with the most modern amenities in the elite Dubai Marina area. It will be located next to the promenade and will have a convenient infrastructure with various shops, cafes and gourmet restaurants.
The building is designed in a fashionable urban style and will consist of 23 floors and a large podium with public spaces. In addition, the following services will be available for residents in the community:
• sports centres and gyms;
• outdoor children’s playgrounds;
• a picnic area with barbecue;
• green areas with gardens and cosy parks;
• an infinity pool with a terrace and much more.
Marina Living offers to purchase one- and two-bedroom apartments of a minimalist style. The interiors of the laconic design will be made in bright colours with eco-friendly elements. In addition, the developer is putting luxurious apartments up for sale and offering buyers to save up to 20%.

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